Stay Engaged
The Individual/ Family team would have found thier place as an eLxA Life Doer and/or SOuLVA. The next important step is to stay engaged. This would be achieved the transacting with the Doers Bites gathered and enabling them to grow and blossom as needed

Gather the Doers Bites
Once registered and onboarded, The eLxA Life Doers uses the tools provided by eLxA Central to gather the Doers Bites. These could fall under the Doers Chunks of Home, Economic, Social & Leisure, Community or Other Category.

eLxA Life Doers Bite
An action carried out by an individual ( Doer) to achieve a good quality of life, interpreted shown as a daily average
- Home
- Economic
- Social and Leisure
- Community
- Other

Transact/Hold Doers Bites
The Doers Bites Gathered enable the individual of Family team to carry out the living activity. These transactional activities would enable them to use the bite to obtain what they desire in life based on the chunks. As an example economic bites would enable economic prosperity..

Transact/ Hold
Using you Doers Bite to achieve personal aims through existing predetermined actions. This could be through act
- Supply
- Demand
- Unearth
- Plug
- Other

Get Support
eLxA Life Doers strive for continuous improvement. The Doers bites that are already in use are grown through the use of eLxA Central’s support..

Using you Doers Bite to achieve personal aims through existing predetermined actions. This could be through act
- Home
- Economic
- Social and Leisure
- Community
- Other

Activities that keep the home homely.
The Home Chunk host the verbs and Doers Bites that cover the home activities, examples include sleeping, gardening , home appliance maintenance etc. These what the family team or individual carry out to turn the house into a home.

The things you do to with those around you, socialise and pass time
Social activities and Leisure are an important component of life. It includes activities such as sports, entertainments, socialising with friends etc , Example of eLxA verbs play, sing, watch, run etc

The activities that put bread to the table.
The actvities include business undertaking which could cover agriculture, manufacturing, tourism, technology, services etc. Team member might be involves in the economic activity through selling their labour ie working for an entity.

The community activities around you, your town, village city or country
In the places that we reside in, we have people that we live with,. As individual or families they have a role in that community. The verbs include collaborate, vote, guide, lead, etc
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