About Us

We are the people of Action. The eco system that the eLxA Life Doers players are in promotes the growth through doing what matters to each of the players. This is from the SOuLVAS who provide solutions, to the eLxA Life Doers and the eLxA Central who complete the eLxA ecosystem

The eLxA Doers Team

eLxA Central

eLxA Central

The nerve centre of the eLxA Life Doers Suite. This is the main point through which all the eLxA Life Doers activities are coordinated,. The various activities that the eLxA Life Doers and SOuLVAS undertake have been put in place by the eLxA Central. They assist  with prepared products , continually assessing and enabling the never ending enhancement of the product offerings

eLxA Life Doers

These are the families and individuals who seek to get the quality of their life to the desired  high level. They have opened their verb accounts and make good use of them They have assimilated through the use of the onboarding  planning tools that eLxA Central provides, staying engaged through the  activities and tasks which in the end would lead to prosperity and deserved rewards achieved. They also work tirelessly to spread the good practices for collective good.

Soulvas at work


 SOuLVAS have distintive expertise that enable them to solve and advice on the various problems  at hand. At the top level the are guided by the Doers Chunks and the related Doers Bites and Chewlets, As an example you could get SOuLVAS in the Animal Breeding Chewlet part of the Beef Production Doers Bite.

Our Core Values

The eLxA Life Doers have principles and values that they live by. These guide the way they go about with their everyday lives and the way they interact with each other as eLxA Central, eLxA Doers and the SOuLVAS in the pursuit for an improved life. These are as follows

Data & Information Driven

Information drives good decision making and enables a good quality of life. The eLxA Life Doers Suite is powered by data and information

Beneficial Interdependence

The eLxA promotes togetherness in ways that collectively benefits all eLxA Life Doers and SOuLVAS

Solution Orientation

There is no problem too big to solve at the eLxA Life Doers. With the range of SOuLVAS and willingness to persevere and explore all avenue this is made possible.

Entreprenuerial Orientation

The eLxA allows innovativeness and risk taking required to explore new opportunities in business and all facets of life by the eLxA Life Doers. This enables them to success through these pursuits.

Something from Nothing

eLxA Life Doers are self starters. They are comfortable with embarking on a journey to get things in place that change their lives remarkably.

Grit and Perseverance

Nothing comes easy . The eLxA Life Doers recognise this and know that they have to put in their all. When the chips are down the find comfort is getting assistance from other eLxA Life Doers

Our Mission

We offer services and products that  drives and promotes intentional carrying out of deliberate and planned action required in every day living. This is from the economic, social and leisure, community and other miscellaneous chunks that are encompassing. This would be through the correct planning, operation and constant monitoring of progress while accessing the neccessary support from eLxA Central.

Our Vision

To evolve into a one-stop solution centre for individual and families that enables them to improve their quality of life. This would be through leveraging technology and the power of collective efforts while maintaining the eLxA Life Doers individuality. 

100 Years

100 Year Timeline Milestones

Become a part of the Drive

Join the doing movement, become part of the eLxA LIfe Doers by starting off the journey where you are with what you have.