eLxA Verb Account

The eLxA Verb Account is the vault in which you keep track of all the eLxA Verbs that you pick in your Life Doers Journey. It also provides tools for the individual and teams to work in the background to facilitate efforts that improve their quality of life. 

Periodic eLxA Verb Posting

Every month take your time to update you Verb Account Vault by Posting the following to your eLxA Central vault. An update summary will the be made available to you through your email 

enter the number of all the eLxA Verbs currently identified
enter the number of active eLxA verbs in the month
the Active eLxA Verbs number multiplied by eLxA Doers Bite Conversion Factor
eLxA Provided by the eLxA Doer
eLxA demanded and brought in by the eLxA Doer
the eLxA Doers Bites Value Created in the month being posted

eLxA Self Driven Tools

 The eLxA Central  provides to the eLxA  Doers a myriad of tools that they can use in the comfort and privacy of their home. The eLxA Doer has at their disposal training and guiding documents that enable them to use these with ease

  eLxA Life Doers Suite 

   An offline tools for the eLxA Doers that takes them through the different stages 0f their doing journey.

eLxA Knowledge Vaults

The eLxA Central makes recommendations on knowledge resources like books, audios and video that would allow the eLxA Doers to amass the right knowledge to achieve good quality of life orchestrated by eLxA Doers Suite.

 Quote of the Month


I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Being willing is not enough, we must do.
Leonardo da Vinci

eLxA Announcements

The announcements section gives an overwiew .

 Quote of the Month


Its your home, your sanctionary


This is the home spot. For the month the following point of interest 

A little play here, a play there...


The Social and Leisure Circles bring us the joy and happiness to thrive .

Where is your bread buttered


What is burning the economic oil this month .

We are who were are because of people we live with


The bigger community we live in have a bearing the quality of life we lead. W

Get Assistance with your eLxA verb Account

As part of the benefits of keeping the eLxA Verb Account,  you can obtain assistance with making the best out of it.