eLxA Verb Unearth

The eLxA allows you to mine for new verbs. Here we present to you the eLxA InduMaps – Home, eLxA InduMaps – Economic Activity, eLxA InduMaps -Social  and eLxA InduMaps – Community . In  your life journey you will have the opportunity to enhance what you  already have.  As a subscribed eLxA  Life Doers you will have the opportunity to get the eLxA Central Supplied attributes which complete these eLxA Maps. This will be tailored to you geographical location or country.

eLxA InduMap Home

 The eLxA Central  proudly provides the ground from which to unearth more home related verbs, transact and enrich your home life 

  eLxA InduMap Home


The induMap that brings you closer to what you need to improve your home life 

eLxA InduMaps Economic Activity

 The eLxA Economic footprint  for the eLxA Life Doers is outlined here. Through eLxA InduMaps in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism and  Services 

  eLxA InduMaps Economic Activity

   This  affords you a window into the industries of your choice 

Most commonly Used Economic Activity InduMaps

eLxA InduMap Social

The social part of our lives drives the balance that we need. Through the eLxA InduMap Social you can easily tap into 

eLxA InduMap Social

eLxA InduMap Community

The Community we live in completes who we are as a people. Catch those key aspects of participating in the society and community here.

eLxA InduMap Community

Its your home, your sanctionary


This is the home spot. For the month the following point of interest 

A little play here, a play there...


The Social and Leisure Circles bring us the joy and happiness to thrive .

Where is your bread buttered


What is burning the economic oil this month .

We are who were are because of people we live with


The community we live in have a bearing the quality of life we lead. 

Its your home, your sanctionary


This is the home spot. For the month the following point of interest 

A little play here, a play there...


The Social and Leisure Circles bring us the joy and happiness to thrive .

Where is your bread buttered


What is burning the economic oil this month .

We are who were are because of people we live with


The bigger community we live in have a bearing the quality of life we lead. W

Get Assistance with your eLxA verb Account

As part of the benefits of keeping the eLxA Verb Account,  you can obtain assistance with making the best out of it.